June 28, 2016

Katrina Pierson, the dead eyed bimbo, convicted shoplifter and mouthpiece for Donald the "tiny fingered, Cheeto-faced, ferret wearing shitgibbon" Trump went on CNN to try to explain away that pesky Muslim Ban that we all simply don't understand.

Look, it isn't like he wants to ban all Muslims (even though he said it here and here and here.). But you know, it's not like his words actually mean anything, right? It is all of us that aren't getting it right because we aren't reading his mind.

Anyhow, Katrina Pierson tried her best to side step, walk back and flat out jump over this Muslim Ban Misunderstanding. She failed, miserably. The video is...painful to watch. Here are a few little exchanges, to give you an idea of the stupidity coming out of her mouth:

PIERSON: The news media has been reporting that the ban was against all Muslims, and that simply was not the case. It was simply for Muslim immigration. Mr. Trump is simply adding specifics to clarify what his position is....there has been no change.

KEILAR: Ok, well I think we have the actual soundbite of his initial explanations of the ban...let;s listen to that.

Keilar has the receipts, folks.

"TRUMP: Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our countries representatives can figure out what the hell is going on.

KEILAR: So, Katrina, that was how he explained it. How is this not...

PIERSON: That was a line that he read from a policy...it was an immigration policy...."

Uh huh....sure. So what he said is not what he said?

The whole video is must-see. It's excruciating listening to her stupidity just continue to spin. Enjoy.

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