February 9, 2018

Adam Rippon's mother Kelly clarified the issue on CNN's New Day. It's not about slamming Mike Pence as it is about staying focused on winning a gold medal for the United States.

But when Rippon heard that Pence would be heading the US Delegation in South Korea, he told USA Today:

“You mean Mike Pence, the same Mike Pence that funded gay conversion therapy?” Rippon said. “I’m not buying it.”

Rippon, 28, who was selected to his first Olympic team earlier this month after finishing fourth at the U.S. national championships, said that he would prefer not to meet Pence during the traditional meet-and-greet between the official delegation and U.S. athletes in the hours leading to the opening ceremony. It’s possible Rippon would have to miss that event anyway to be part of the team figure skating competition.

Mike Pence is claiming that something about Mike Pence being objectionable to gay people is "fake news."

Turns out nearly everybody affiliated with Team USA is siding with Rippon, including Gus Kenworthy, the other out gay USA Olympian, competing in freestyle skating. Kenworthy told Pence to eat his heart out in an Instagram post, and tweeted this.

Tyler Oakley speaks for many Americans:

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