Gov. Walker made the announcement three days after his running mate stepped down for "inappropriate remarks."
Alaska Governor Drops Out Of Race, Endorses Democratic Nominee
October 20, 2018

Alaska Gov. Bill Walker, an independent who was seeking reelection, announced yesterday he is ending his reelection campaign and endorsed Democrat Mark Begich over Republican Mike Dunleavy. Via The Hill:

The announcement came three days after Walker's running mate, former Lt. Gov. Byron Mallott (D), stepped down and dropped his reelection bid, citing unspecific "inappropriate comments" made to a woman.

"Effective today I am suspending my campaign," Walker said Friday at the Alaska Federation of Natives Convention, according to the Anchorage Daily News.

"In the time remaining, it has become clear we cannot win a three-way race," he said. "The decisions was made that at this point, Begich has the better odds. Alaskans deserve a competitive race and Alaskans deserve a choice other than Mike Dunleavey."

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