Time Travel Back To The 2014 Ebola Crisis
February 26, 2020

Trump jumped on the Ebola outbreak in 2014 to try to affect the mid term election that year and there is plenty of evidence that it was effective.

You can see why he’s nervous now. He knows what he did. And he knows it worked. The difference today is that unlike President Obama, who handled the Ebola outbreak by the book, Trump has destroyed the US response to pandemics and the government is now scrambling to do even a minimal response.

We may come through this ok. But it will no thanks to Trump. Of course, we can expect him to claim he single-handedly cured it if it is contained but that’s the price we will have to pay for having the good luck to escape disaster. And that’s what it’s going to take: luck.

Published with permission of Hullabaloo

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