June 7, 2020

The acting DHS Sec. Chad Wolf joined FNS' Chris Wallace to discussion the horrendous week of events orchestrated by Trump in an over the top response against peaceful protesters.

Wallace played audio of Donald Trump's call to the nation's governors telling them they have to dominate the streets or else they will look like jerks before asking Chad Wolf if his remarks were appropriate considering the violence started as a consequence of law enforcement abuse and murder. Wallace also questioned whether it was a proper use of the military.

The acting DHS chief spewed a well orchestrated monologue and claimed that the rioting diminished because of Trump's remarks and actions.

"Can you imagine if we had not done anything, if we had not increased our police presence in the DC area and cities across the country," Wolf said. "The rioting and looting would continue."

Wolf stated they took the right action and and began gaslighting. "What we've seen, we've seen governors deploy the National Guard and we've seen governors call the federal government and mayors asking for support and that's what we've given them," he bragged.

Wallace then objected to his rewriting of the events and not responding to his question about the use of active military because that's what caused Trump's former SOS James Mattis to heavily criticize Trump for using the military, along as many other former members of the military.

"Respectfully, sir," Wallace said. "I think you're setting up a straw-man. Nobody said that we should simply leave the streets empty and using police, using the national guard are traditional."

He continued, "I think the issue was the idea of calling active duty military and there are reports today that president Trump wanted 10,000 active duty military."

After playing a clip of Defense Secretary Esper saying he would not invoke the insurrection act, again he asked, "Was calling active duty military specifically, was that overkill?" Wallace asked.

Wolf claimed that Trump needed every tool in his toolbox ready to be employed against the protesters which is a joke since using active military against US civilians is strictly prohibited and it showed what a frightened little toad Trump was during the DC protests.

Hashtags on Twitter like #Bunkerboy and #Babygate now describe Trump more accurately than any excuses Trump officials can sling so far during the George Floyd protests.

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