October 27, 2020

Barack Obama gave a fantastic speech in Orlando, Florida today, blistering Donald Trump over his COVID response among other issues.

In typical Obama fashion, the speech was laced with charisma, honesty, and truth.

During his 30-minute speech to drive-in rallygoers, he said Trump never embraced the job and instead used the presidency to help himself, his friends -- and turned the White House into a reality show.

And then he dropped a truth bomb on Trump, telling the crowd that the so-called president was jealous that COVID gets more attention than him. He trolled Trump for once again focusing on inauguration crowd sizes.

Obama: "Who is thinking about that right now? Nobody except him, but the rest of us have had to live with the consequences."

Obama then detailed the consequences of a Trump administration.

"More than 225,000 people in this country are dead. More than 100,000 small businesses have closed. Half a million jobs are gone in Florida alone. Think about that. And what's his closing argument? That people are too focused on COVID. He said this at one of his rallies. "COVID, COVID, COVID!" he's complaining. He's jealous of COVID's media coverage!"

Obama explained that the White House is a very controlled environment, but a second wave of infections has broken out even there.

"You can take some preventive measures in the White House to avoid getting sick, except this guy can't seem to do it. [Trump] has turned the White House into a hot zone," Obama said.

And then he echoed Chief of Staff Mark Meadows and said,

"We're not going to control the pandemic." He just said this. yes, he did. and yes, We noticed you're not going to control the pandemic. Listen, winter is coming. They're waving the white flag of surrender. Florida, we can't afford four more years of this. That's why we've got to send Joe Biden to the White House. Because we cannot afford this kind of incompetence and disinterest.

The Whiner-in-Chief was chuffed that even Fox covered Obama's speech. Which staff member will have to hold an "emergency news conference" tonight to keep Obama off the evening news? LOL!

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