June 28, 2022

Today's hearing should be the biggest headline grabber yet, as the same witness who disclosed that Republican congressmembers asked for pardons will testify live. Security is tight, leading to speculation about the explosive nature of her testimony. Don't miss this one! Via the New York times:

It was not immediately clear what a short-notice hearing to hear from Ms. Hutchinson might reveal, given that she has already testified three times behind closed doors after receiving a subpoena and the committee has featured clips of her testimony in previous hearings.

The announcement — and its sudden and secretive nature — gave way to a day of guesswork about what the panel might have learned, or whose cooperation it may have secured, to warrant upending a carefully choreographed hearing schedule during a week when members had left Washington to spend time in their districts around the country.

“BETTER BE A BIG DEAL,” John W. Dean, the White House counsel under President Richard M. Nixon known for his role in the Watergate scandal, wrote on Twitter. “There was only one surprise witness during the Senate Watergate Committee hearings. On July 16, 1973 an unannounced witness appeared: Alex Butterfield, who testified to Nixon’s secret taping system — forever changing history!”

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