POTUS took the stage at the AFL-CIO convention and gave a rousing speech that is exactly what Democrats need to say in 2022.
June 15, 2022

President Biden spoke at the AFL-CIO convention in Philadelphia on Tuesday and explained the wreckage Trump and his Republican co-conspirators left in his wake.

Biden said he's tried to put things "back together" here and around the world.

Biden said, "Trump did not leave a very good situation. You think I'm kidding? No matter where I go in the world -- I say 'America's back,' and they look at me and say 'for how long?' This is America. We can do anything --We're not going back to the false promises of trickle-down economics."

President Biden also made clear that election fraud nut Doug Mastriano is a danger to democracy.

Biden also made the case for the Pennsylvania Senate race and the Democratic nominee, John Fetterman.

Biden said he’d spoken to Fetterman, who is recovering from a stroke, via Zoom on Monday. “If you’re in a foxhole, you want John with you, man,” he said. “There’s no bigger, stronger voice for working people in this state than John.”

Jennifer Rubin wrote a lengthy piece about his terrific speech: Biden’s rousing speech before the AFL-CIO is exactly the message Democrats need

"His delivery was punchier and at times angrier than usual. He mocked and knocked Republicans’ plutocratic economics. And he made a stronger-than-usual case that Republicans are blocking economic progress. He was rewarded with multiple ovations. Biden took his time reminding the audience what a mess the country was when he took office, including Americans “waiting in line for an hour for a box of food.” "That’s what we inherited,” he said. His argument boiled down to an effective message: Look how much better off we are, even if there’s more room for improvement."

Here's the full speech.

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