Iranian Protesters Set Fire To Home Of Ayatollah Khomeini
Credit: Wiki/Screengrab
November 18, 2022

As Masih Alinejad wrote on Twitter, "Khomein is the hometown of Khomeini, founder of this bloodthirsty regime. Even this conservative town has joined the protests against the regime. This regime is finished. Our revolution is beautiful." You probably couldn't get a more symbolic strike against Iran's fanatical regime. The only question now is how many people will die before it's toppled.

Source: Hindustan Times

Iranian protesters set fire to the old home of former supreme leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini as protests over Mahsa Amini's death have been raging in the country, entering their third month. The home-turned-museum of the Islamic Republic’s founder in Khomein was set on fire using petrol bombs as per videos shared on social media. Slogans against Iran’s clerical leaders were also heard in the videos.

“This year is the year of blood, (Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei) will be toppled,” protesters in Tehran can be heard saying in a video posted by 1500tasvir as fire can be seen behind the distinctive arches of the museum.

Protests raged in at least 23 cities of Iran on Thursday as the authorities scramble to control the demonstrations. Rights groups have said that over 300 people have been killed till now in the protests as reports suggest that the regime is planning to turn to more violent tactics to stem the demonstrations.

The protests have become a major challenge for the country since the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

General Hossein Salami, head of the Revolutionary Guards, said that Iran is facing a "conspiracy" from the western countries. "The United States, England, Germany, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia and their allies are preparing to fight God, his prophet and the martyrs,'" General Hossein Salami said.

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