January 21, 2023

As reported earlier, Robert Spindell is a Wisconsin Republican who is serving on the Wisconsin Election Commission. He is also an official with the Republican Party in the Milwaukee area. He was caught sending out an email to the Milwaukee area Republicans in which he congratulated them on their successful efforts to suppress minority voters. Spindell claims that he would never wish to suppress anyone's vote. As Chris Hayes points out, all anyone has to do his read his email and know that he is a liar.

Democrats in the Wisconsin State Senate are calling for Spindell to either resign from the election commission or to be removed. The response of the state's top Republicans was very telling. Senate Majority Leader Devin LeMahieu, who had appointed Spindell, was nowhere to be found. Robin Vos, Speaker of the Assembly, threw both Spindell and LeMahieu under the bus and tried to play dumb. But the new chair of the state Republican party took the cake by saying the quiet part out loud:

LeMahieu has not responded to the criticism of Spindell or calls to remove Spindell from the elections commission. In an interview with the Journal Sentinel earlier this month, LeMahieu said he was happy with Spindell on the commission.

Assembly Speaker Robin Vos, who does not have the power to remove Spindell, said Tuesday he wasn't familiar with Spindell's comments about Milwaukee turnout.

"I'll be honest, I didn't read what his comments were. I read the press story later, so I have to go back and look at exactly what he said. So it's hard for me to comment. He's not my appointee," Vos said.

Spindell told the Journal Sentinel by touting lower voter turnout he was praising efforts by Republicans to make inroads with lifelong Democrats.

Brian Schimming, Republican Party of Wisconsin chairman, said Spindell's comments explain the party's strategy of converting traditional Democratic voters.

"We've been active in Milwaukee, and I've been on the board with Bob Spindell for a lot of years. He's been the chief proponent of increased activity in Milwaukee in the minority community. So perhaps his statements weren't as artfully put as they could be, but I don't doubt that what he means is that we are going to continue to work those neighborhoods and other neighborhoods in Milwaukee," Schimming said in an interview with Wisconsin Public Television.

The Senate Democrats cannot and should not just leave it at just a press conference. If the Republicans refuse to own up and take accountability for their crimes, then it's up to the Democrats to ask a court to do so.

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