January 4, 2023

Fox and Friends began their program Wednesday morning denouncing House Republicans. You read that right. On Tuesday, Republicans failed in three attempts to vote in a new Speaker of the House, which means there is no one to swear in the 118th Congress.

"It was unbelievable what took place yesterday," Kilmeade said.

"How many Fox News alerts did you get on your phone yesterday?" Ainsley asked.

"It was nonstop," he said. To see them vote -- it was a hundred years ago -- just to see them vote and do the same thing over and over again and then make speeches to endorse Kevin McCarthy and have them not get the -- I just thought it was the craziest scenario," Kilmeade said.

"It was a disaster for the Republicans," Doocy said. A simple disaster, so... lets start with the disaster.

"There's still no House speaker voted in on Day Two of the new Congress that was supposed to happen yesterday at noon," Doocy continued. "And here we are 18 hours later, no Speaker."

"Right, Republican leader Kevin McCarthy, he's got a nice big office but no title," Kilmeade said. "Vowing to continue his pursuit of the gavel despite fierce push back, as Democrats kicked back and watched."

When you've lost Fox and Friends, that's the definition of "Republicans in disarray."

And once again, it's adorable how Fox News hosts hold up the New York Post as if they and the paper aren't BOTH Murdoch-owned properties:


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