George Santos Stepping Down From Committees Amid Multiple Scandals
Credit: SantosForNY
January 31, 2023

According to reports, newly minted Republican Rep. George Santos told his colleagues in a closed-door conference meeting this morning that he wants to recuse himself from committee assignments until his issues are resolved.

We're unsure which "issues" he's talking about since there are so many of them, and he just landed the job. Will Anthony Devolder also step down? How about Kitara Ravache? Is this because of the possibility of upcoming indictments or that he might be extradited back to Brazil? So many questions.

Via The Washington Post:

Santos, who has admitted to fabricating key parts of his background since his election in November, said in a closed-door meeting of House Republicans on Tuesday that he would remove himself from his assignments on the House Small Business Committee and the Science, Space, and Technology Committee.

Santos told the meeting he will step down because "he's a distraction," according to a Republican lawmaker who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the private meeting.

The announcement, which Santos has not verified publicly, comes the same day polling in his district showed the vast majority of voters believe he should resign. More than three-quarters of registered voters in New York's 3rd Congressional District said he should leave his job, the Newsday-Siena College poll found.

According to a new poll, a whopping seventy-eight percent of voters in Santos's district want him to resign (including 89% of Democrats, 72% of independents/others, and 71% of Republicans).

Watching this train wreck is awful, but you can't look away. What happening to Santos is the result of self-inflicted injuries. And he had help from the Republican party. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy was too spineless to call the Long Island fabulist out.

UPDATE: Elise Stefanik confirmed that George is stepping down from his committees.

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