June 21, 2023

Trying to save himself from Bret Baier's serious (and devastating) questions regarding executing drug dealers, Trump proclaimed all of China was drugged out on opium until strong leaders came in and instituted the death penalty against drug dealers.

Welcome to another edition of Trump's bizarro world. He appears to be in some Rick and Morty alternate universe all the time now.

After the Fox News host left Trump dumbfounded over his love of executions, Trump launched into an insane rant about China while trying to defend his capital punishment stance.

We provide this transcript merely in the interest of recording what passes for an answer in Trump's mind. It's not that he makes any sense at all.

Now, today, if I did what I say that you have to do. (Execute drug dealers)

And again, I'm not sure the country is ready for it. You know, China was hugely 150 years ago. [hugely?]

China was taken over by much lesser countries because they were all drugged out on the opium and all the problems of communist regime.

They dropped the hammer.

They were all drugged out, and they were totally, they were a disaster.

They were taken over by other smaller countries, large sections of China.

And then things happened, and they had strong leadership, and they put in the death penalty, and they've become, they've been able to build.

But if you point to President Xi, he will tell you 'without the death penalty, we would have a non-functioning country.'

Do we really need to fact-check this? Alrighty, then.

China became a communist country in 1949, but it wasn't until the 1980s that drug trafficking was added to the legal code for Capital punishment.

There is no evidence that China was ever taken over by lesser countries from being so stoned out on opium they just lay there in a daze.

Japan did attack China in 1931 and 1937, but Japan surrendered after WWII.

Mathew Chapman writes, "During the Cultural Revolution and the Great Leap Forward, the Chinese Communist Party under Mao Zedong killed between 30 and 45 million people in famines and political purges — a higher death toll than the policies of either Adolf Hitler or Joseph Stalin.

And MAGA is upset that Bret Baier "entrapped" Trump by asking questions written by ...the DOJ?

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