Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones reacted to reports that cocaine was found at the White House by accusing President Joe Biden of plotting murder against Secret Service agents.
July 7, 2023

Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones reacted to reports that cocaine was found at the White House by accusing President Joe Biden of plotting murder against Secret Service agents.

Jones kicked off his Wednesday program with a conspiracy theory about the cocaine, which was said to be found in a White House common area.

"They're really diversions like a big bag of cocaine found at the White House over the weekend," he told his audience. "The scanners picked up that they found a possible hazardous material. And the story itself, that Hunter Biden was there and that's probably his cocaine that he's above the law, isn't a new story."

According to Jones, the discovery of the cocaine was a plot by the Secret Service to send out a "call for help" because they would be murdered if they connected the drugs to the president's son.

"The fact that the Secret Service called a hazmat crew when they've got their own hazmat team and let it go out over the scanners was really a call for help," he opined. "We don't know what this bag of drugs is, undoubtedly, with Hunter's crack pipes and the rest of it."

Jones said the Secret Service was "fed up" with the Bidens, but agents feared for their lives if they implicated Hunter Biden.

"Those agents would be found dead in car wrecks or murder-suicides of their families within days," he insisted. "But the tyranny and the intimidation can only last so long."

According to the White House, members of the Biden family were not in Washington, D.C., when the cocaine was found.

Ed. Note: According to reports, the cocaine was found in a cubby where visitors to the White House leave their phones and cameras before their tour.

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