A Wisconsin Elections Commissioner said that a state senate hearing was going to be a "world of crazy." That was the understatement of the year.
This Is What A 'World Of Crazy' Looks Like
Credit: Screenshot
September 2, 2023

The other day I reported about a Wisconsin State Senate hearing into the appointment of elections commission director Meagan Wolfe. But she was never named the appointee so Senate Republicans couldn't proceed as planned. But hating a good hearing go to waste, they proceeded with the hearing after all and it turned into a MAGA Big Lie Revival meeting. Can I have a God Bless?!

Leading up to the hearing, one of the election commission members quipped that they were in for a "world of crazy." State Senator Dan Knodl took umbrage with that comment, but then went on to prove the commissioner to be 1000% accurate:

They had all the conspiracy theorists on parade - everywhere from people blaming "Zuckerbucks," to issues with the voting machines (including Dominion!), to assorted accusations of manipulating the numbers, etc. They even had the public seating filled with election deniers that would clap and cheer the conspiracy theorists and laugh at people that pointed out that the elections were safe, solid and fair.

These fools better wake up and realize that Denial isn't the brand of coffee they're smelling. It's their own madness.

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