Moms For Liberty Tweets Then Deletes Support For Bridget Ziegler
Credit: Facebook
December 1, 2023

Moms for Liberty tweeted and then deleted their support for embattled Bridget Ziegler. I've read that Tiffany Justice made the tweet, but cannot confirm that. One of the three who founded Moms for Liberty, with Tina Descovich being the other one. The Zieglers seem to be having their world collapse, with Bridget as of yesterday no longer chairing the Sarasota school board, and with calls by Ron DeSantis and others for her husband Christian Ziegler to step down as Florida GOP Chair. One of Florida's power couples in full implosion.


Source: Alternet

The far-right Christian nationalist organization Moms for Liberty issued, then later deleted, a statement declaring support for its co-founder after her husband, the chairman of the Florida Republican Party, was accused of sexual battery by a woman who allegedly has had a consensual “three-way sexual relationship” with the married couple.

“The Sarasota Police Department is investigating a sexual battery allegation against Florida GOP Chair Christian Ziegler,” The Sarasota Herald-Tribune reports. Bridget Ziegler, the Moms for Liberty co-founder and the spouse of Christian Ziegler, “has become a star within the MAGA movement,” the FLCGA notes.

“Christian Ziegler is also alleged to have secretly videotaped the sexual encounters between the couple and the woman, sources said,” the FLCGA added. Moms for Liberty was named an anti-government extremist group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

And the now-deleted tweet from Moms For Liberty.


Fabiola Santiago of the Miami Herald reminded us that Bridget Ziegler was the driving force behind Florida's much hated "Don't Say Gay" law, all the way engaging in bisexual encounters herself, asking: If Moms for Liberty co-founder had sex with a woman, why is she targeting Florida’s gays?

DeSantis not only endorsed Bridget Ziegler’s school board candidacy, but he gave her a seat on the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District Board of Supervisors. This is the agency formed after the dispute with Disney World over its corporate criticism of the “Don’t Say Gay” law banning sexual-identity discussion in schools and following the termination of Disney’s Reedy Creek special taxing district operational agreement with the state.

Now, that a woman’s allegations include the claim that sex tapes were made, the Zieglers are being dubbed “a throuple.”

Every corner of the state is abuzz with the Zieglers’ news — and, in particular, with the titillating allegation of the anti-gay wife’s bisexual encounters.

Group sex and swinging as a lifestyle might be nonpartisan. But Democrats don’t pretend to hate gays — legislate against them to score political points — while secretly inviting them to join the marital party.

Exactly. It's the hypocrisy.


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