January 14, 2024

If you at least graduated from the 5th grade, you could see biotech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy and multiply-charged Donald Trump's breakup coming from a mile away. They were headed for a collision, and it's happening. MAGA was caught by surprise, though. To a narcissist, boundaries are a challenge. For sure, that line will be stomped on. Vivek and Lumpy are both narcissists, so it's been interesting to watch. No, I'm not a psychiatrist, but it's as if they have their mental health condition written across their foreheads.

Trump must have seen the video that's been circulating where the GOP nominee hopeful is seen begging a Trump supporter for her vote. Warning: The video will induce cringing:

And the Ramaswamy campaign is distributing LOL t-shirts that read "Save Trump, Vote Vivek." What he's doing seems obvious, and it finally hit Trump, who took to Truth Social to say, "Don't get duped." Vivek has promised to pardon Trump if the entrepreneur-turned-cringy GOP candidate gets the coveted keys to the White House.

Trump is mad.

"Vivek started his campaign as a great supporter, "the best President in generations," etc," Trump wrote on Truth Social. "Unfortunately, now all he does is disguise his support in the form of deceitful campaign tricks. Very sly, but a vote for Vivek is a vote for the "other side" — don't get duped by this. Vote for "TRUMP," don't waste your vote! Vivek is not MAGA. The Biden Indictments against his Political Opponent will never be allowed in this Country, they are already beginning to fall! MAGA!!!"

Narcy Ramaswamy admitted to seeing Trump's post on Xitter, insisting that he's "worried for Trump" and adding, "I don't think friendly fire is helpful." Vivek was called out on Twitter by Trump loyalists.

How did they not see this coming?

Ramaswamy did the unforgivable. He was trying to win votes -- from Trump supporters. To MAGA, you can't run against Trump even if it shows you as a candidate on paper. As much as I loathe the guy, they wanted him to feign running while humping Trump's leg, and all possibly for the role of vice president. Can you even imagine a narcissistic President with a narcissistic vice-president? Stop the world. I want to get off.

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