CBS host Margaret Brennan called out Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH) after he claimed former President Donald Trump had brought manufacturing jobs back to the U.S. when he was president.
'Did Not Happen': CBS Host Busts J.D. Vance Over Trump Jobs Claim
May 19, 2024

CBS host Margaret Brennan called out Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH) after he claimed former President Donald Trump had brought manufacturing jobs back to the U.S. when he was president.

On Sunday's edition of Face the Nation, Brennan questioned Vance, a vice presidential contender, about how Trump's proposed tariffs would make American products more affordable.

"So how is the Trump-Vance idea here going to help make things more affordable for people if you're putting taxes on goods they're purchasing from overseas?" she asked.

"Well, I don't necessarily buy the premise there, Margaret," Vance replied. "If you apply tariffs, really what it is is you're saying that we're going to penalize you for using slave labor in China and importing that stuff in the United States."

"What you end up doing is you end up making more stuff in America, in Pennsylvania, in Ohio, and in Michigan," he added.

"That did not happen in the Trump administration, though," Brennan said.

"Well, it actually did happen in the Trump administration, Margaret," Vance insisted. "Manufacturing jobs came back."

However, a fact check from the Biden-Harris campaign disputed Vance's claims.

"Thousands more manufacturing jobs have been added under President Biden than were added under Trump," the campaign said in a statement.

Watch the video below from CBS.

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