February 13, 2009

[H/t Dave E]

Once again, nary a Republican:

Handing the new administration a big win, the House Friday passed President Barack Obama's $787 billion plan to resuscitate the economy.

The bill was passed 246-183 with no Republican help. It now goes to the Senate where a vote was scheduled tentatively for 5:30 p.m. ET.

All but seven Democrats voted for the bill — a 1,071 page, 8-inch-thick measure that combines $281 billion in tax cuts for individuals and businesses with more than a half-trillion dollars in government spending. The money would go for infrastructure, health care and help for cash-starved state governments, among scores of programs. Seniors would get a $250 bonus Social Security check.

Let the right-wing whining commence! Predictions of doom! Certainty of failure!

I think we heard all this when Bill Clinton passed his ultimately very successful stimulus plan back in 1993.

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