December 2, 2009

Over in the Alan Keyes quadrant of Planet Wingnuttia, Pastor J. Grant Swank foresees the forces of the apocalypse, good and evil, lining up respectively behind Sarah Palin and President Obama in some looming global showdown.

According to the good pastor, Obama's real religion is Islam:

Obama's so-called holy writ is the abominable Koran. His hope for eternity is unknown; but if he becomes a suicide bomber for Allah, he will be guaranteed pronto a score of virgins for everlasting. His hope for the present seems to be his reliance upon Islam's Koran furthered by his clandestine support of Islam World Rule via czars and a shadow government given to overthrowing our Republic.

PastorSwank_edited-1_859fd.jpgOf course, out comes the eliminationist rhetoric -- followed by the balm that is Sarah Palin:

This cancer sore Obama is the most dangerous occurrence ever in all the Republic's history for it promises us our doom.

Then comes along Sarah Palin. What does she hold out for the populace?

She speaks of common sense politics, a Christian heritage history continuance, reliance upon the God of Scripture, actual hope in prayer and the Holy Spirit's guidance in one's personal faith life.

She comes from a biblical base regarding worship gatherings. It is not theological liberalism as touted in the United Church of Christ, Episcopal Church, Anglican Church, United Church of Canada, Unitarianism, Evangelical (a misnomer) Lutheran Church of America and other anti-Christ labels.

She worships with Christians who seek to live out the Bible, confess to following Christ as personal Redeemer, pray daily, conduct family devotions, believe in miracles, repent of their sins and then yearn to go forth in holiness.

Palin is the antithesis to Obama. Palin represents a biblical way of life. Obama represents a satanic cult.

America is now faced with the choice of Palin or Obama. Of course, in weeks and months to come, someone else may log in to sideline Palin. But at the moment, it is Palin versus Obama.

Wonder if Sarah will give this a shout-out on her Facebook page.

Pastor Swank has a, um, thing about Islam. Check out Jesus' General's recent post about some evil Muslims the pastor found sacrificing goats on Black Friday.

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