December 2, 2010

The House is currently debating a bill extending tax cuts for the middle class only. I am at last seeing some real fight in the Democrats. Rep. Levin is doing a great job correcting every Republican that steps up and claims it's a tax increase, and one of the more classic moments came when New York Rep. Crowley pulled up a life-size picture of Leona Helmsley and her dog and pointed out that the dog (named Trouble) would receive a tax cut under Republican proposals.

You can watch live at CSPAN. I'll try and post the clip of Rep. Crowley when it's available.

UPDATE: The House just passed their tax cut bill, 234-188. It extends tax cuts for singles making $200,000; married couples earning $250,000, makes small business tax credits permanent, and repeals lower tax rates for high-income taxpayers. Now it will head to the Senate, where the real debate will begin over tax rates for the wealthy.

My prediction: Nothing will pass the Senate, and all of the Bush tax cuts will expire.

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