November 8, 2011

Apparently it's not too late. Even rank-and-file Republican voters have rejected some of the most extreme Republican laws in yesterday's elections. A clearly chastened Ohio Gov. John Kasich, ringleader for the extreme ALEC agenda, had to concede defeat as Senate Bill 5, legislation to decimate collective bargaining by state employees, went down in flames.

In the state of Mississippi, voters decided zygotes did not meet the legal definition of personhood -- or even corporations. (Helped along by the fact that even Haley Barbour said the wording was too vague, so it may resurface.)

In Maine, voters retained same-day voter registration, despite attempts to repeal it by their Tea party governor and his minions.

Democrats took just about every position that wasn't nailed down in Connecticut municipal elections.

Iowa Dems held the State Senate tonight, which means marriage equality in Iowa is safe.

Arizona recall voters took down wingnut Senate President Russell Pearce.

Democratic Gov. Steve Beshear of Kentucky takes a second term.

The anti-teacher Michigan Republican State Rep. Paul Scott is successfully recalled.

Missoula, MT said no to corporate personhood.

NJ Dems won two more seats in races where Chris Christie campaigned for the Republicans.

More added as it comes in, but all in all, it's a really good night for Democrats and/or sanity.

UPDATE: Looks like Virginia falls to Tea party control. Problems with voting, possible recounts on deck.

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